Tooth Sensitivity-Too hot? Too Cold? Too Sweet?

Tooth sensitivity comes and goes with time; it is caused because of the exposure of nerves on root areas. The crowns of the teeth are protected by enamel, so sensitivity is not observed on the teeth. Sensitivity is observed at the root area or the gums. The root area is protected by cementum, when the cementum wears away the nerves are exposed which causes sensitivity.
Causes of tooth sensitivity
1.      Overzealous teeth brushing
By brushing our teeth continuously problem arises to our teeth that is the tooth structure will be changed, and gum tissues are damaged so the teeth losses its tight grip and opens the door for infections and diseases
2.    An acidic diet
Foods having PH value less than 4.6 are considered to be acidic food. So foods containing sugar, dairy products, juices are to be avoided so maintain healthy teeth
3.    Bulimia
Eating large amounts of food in short time and vomiting is bulimia. This can be caused due to genetic factors. This results in the breakdown of teeth. Bulimia is associated with mental disorders like depression, anxiety and stress.
4.    Excessive teeth whitening
Using tooth whitening products will affect the teeth. This erodes the tooth enamel and arises tooth related problems like sensitivity. The teeth become more sensitive to hot, cold and sweet. So, avoid using teeth whitening products.
5.    Teeth grinding
Teeth grinding is called as  . When you grind your teeth out of stress, anxiety or depression the teeth can be damaged and oral problems will be raised.
6.    Use of toothpaste
Toothpaste is used to remove plaque on the teeth and protect the teeth from oral diseases. But if the toothpaste is swallowed in large amount that effects the health. Fluoride containing toothpastes are more effective used to remove plaque and to prevent diseases.
How to treat Tooth Sensitivity
·      Use fluoride containing toothpaste.
·     Change your diet; consume food which has less sugar, soda, fruit juices from your daily intake.
·      Don’t use teeth whitening products frequently.


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